Managing Partner and Co Founder : Ganizani Consulting, Africa’s Marketing and Tech Consultancy. Judith’s passion lies in strategic planning, focused on the integration of ALL marketing and business activities. As an integrated marketing and communication specialist, she is responsible for synchronizing the business or organisation goals in a lead role namely: marketing, creative and concept development, public relations, sponsorship, online and social media, market research and advertising activities for business, public sector as well as non profit entities. She has 15 years of Marketing industry experience, 10 years of sponsorship and commercialization strategy and implementation, 4 years of pure research on tracking brand equity(quant and qual), 2 years of the Digital Tech World (social media web and mobile apps).
She co-wrote a chapter in “the Global Brand, How to Create and Develop Lasting Brand Value in the World” by Nigel Hollis Founded YzeUp, an online and offline knowledge sharing platform to empower and develop the Future Africa gen. Brands she is proud to have worked on include: Lead on 1st and 2nd Essence Festival Durban: marketing, sponsorship, project management; Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Marketing and Sponsorship director and lead on behalf of promoter TMusicman; Old Mutual Soweto Marathon marketing lead on behalf of the Soweto Marathon Trust; Senior Research Exec for Unilever through Millward Brown: Home, Personal Care and Home brands and more. In the sponsorship space she has worked on the FIFA World Cup, AFCON, Engen, Standard Bank, MasterCard, MTN, Sports and Rec Sports and Recreation Unite4Mandela, Moretele Tribute Concert, FIFA Broadcast Africa, Copa Coca-Cola Nigeria, Invictus Sports Africa – NBA Merchanndise, Miles and Associates (Basketball in Kenya) and many more.
Media, Reputation, Advertising, Marketing & Sponsorships
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